Can you duplicate google ad campaigns? [2024]

Can you duplicate google ad campaigns

Creating a Google Ads campaign from scratch is tedious if you want to test an ad with minor changes. But can you duplicate a Google Ads campaign? If so, then how do you do it?

In this article, I will explain the answer to this question.

Can you duplicate Google ad campaigns?

Yes, you can easily duplicate Google Ad campaigns.

It’s a very useful Google ads feature, especially when you want to test variations of a successful ad campaign or quickly launch similar ad campaigns for different products or target audiences.

How To Duplicate Google Ad Campaign?

Follow these four steps to duplicate your Google Ad Campaign easily.

1. Login to your Google Ads Account

google ads dashboard

2. Go to the “Campaigns” tab in Google Ads.

Go to the "Campaigns" tab in Google Ads.

3. Check the box next to the campaign you want to duplicate.

Check the box next to the campaign you want to duplicate.

4. From the “Edit” menu, select “Copy”, then “Paste”. Larger campaigns may take a few minutes to copy. If your campaign is large, pasting it may take 3-4 minutes.

From the _Edit_ menu, select _Copy_, then _Paste_

That’s all. Your Google Ad Campaign is duplicated successfully.


I hope you got an answer to your query on “Can you duplicate Google ad campaigns?”

If you have any doubts about this or anything in Google ads, Let me know in the comments below.

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